• Thank you for helping us build and maintain our list of ONLINE Gaymer Groups!
    If you mean to submit information for a LOCAL group (e.g. Minneapolis Gaymers), please use the Local Gaymer Group Submission Form instead.

  • Public Information

    This information will be listed on our website. If you have restricted information (such as a private Facebook group), we encourage you still include it! That way people can at least find the information and request to join.
  • The name of your group, for example "Gaymers Untie!" or "Power Grid Gay Geeks".
  • Provide a brief description of your group; a few sentences describing the nature of your group.

  • Private Information

    The rest of this is information that we will not share. This is information for us to contact you if needed for updates, clarification, verification, etc.
  • This is you, the person filling out this form.
  • Again, this is you, the person filling out this form.
  • This isn't required, but it is helpful if we need to get in contact with you at an event or convention.

  • Who's in charge of this group? If this is you, leave this blank. If you are filling this out for a different person, put their name.
  • Again, if you're in charge, leave this blank.
  • Again, again, if you're in charge, leave this blank.

  • Is there anything else that you'd like to tell us? Additional information about the group, caveats, concerns, questions?