Tabletop Gaymers and Greater Than Games are proud to be working together to bring pronoun ribbons to the Origins Game Fair!

The ribbons, brilliant green and easily recognizable at a distance, are based on the standards set by our friends at

When you’re the only person who needs to communicate your pronouns, it can be uncomfortable. You don’t want to be misgendered, but the fact that you’re saying something about pronouns while other people aren’t marks you as different from them. By encouraging broad adoption of pronoun ribbons you help create an environment where that kind of conversation is normal.

As a transgender person, nonbinary person or person who’s misgendered for other reasons, communicating about gender helps avoid being misgendered. As a cisgendered person or someone else who is reliably correctly gendered by others, communicating even though it may be redundant contributes to a community standard that communicating about gender is something that is normal here. It makes it unremarkable for everyone, including the people who need it.

You can pick up a ribbon from Greater Than Games at their booth (207) in the Origins Exhibit Hall; or from Tabletop Gaymers in the Community & Family Room and our events.

Help support the recognition of gender identity by wearing one of these ribbons!

Pronoun Ribbons
Greater Than Games
Origins Game Fair