Please provide us with accurate information and double check your entries. Most of this information can be updated later if needed. Your Discord, Biography, and Photo can be provided later if you don't have it readily available. Please submit the rest of the information as soon as possible and send the rest to [email protected] later if you need or want more time.
No Compensation(Required)
Neither Directors nor Officers shall receive any compensation for their services or execution of duties except for reasonable reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Any such reimbursement is at the discretion, and must be approved by resolution, of the Board of Directors and must be permitted by the laws of the state of Iowa and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Tabletop Gaymers Bylaws(Required)
Directors and Officers must be aware of and agree to abide by our Bylaws. A copy of the revised bylaws, expected to be approved at the annual meeting, is available online at Bylaws of Tabletop Gaymers Inc (2023 Draft).
Legal Name(Required)
Your complete legal name as it appears on legal documents such as a driver's license.
Used for registration documents, mail, and other required administrative documentation.
Not displayed publicly.
Display Name(Required)
Used for business cards, name tags, printed material, and on the Leadership Team page.
Your pronouns will be included in many places such as your nametag, website, and most communications.

Mailing Address(Required)
Used for sending you material, ribbons, etc.
Not displayed publicly.
Display Address(Required)
Your city or a nearby major city. E.g. Indianapolis instead of Smallville Suburb.
Included on the Leadership Team page.
Personal Email(Required)
Personal address that you check and use on a regular basis. Used as a backup/recovery address for your TG email address.
Not displayed publicly.
Email address that will be used for all official correspondence. Preferably your first name.
Will be included on business cards and published on the Leadership Team page.
Required for UPS/FedEx shipping. Also used for password recovery, two-factor authentication, etc. Contacting at conventions. Not generally used unless needed.
Not displayed publicly.
Used to grant you officer permissions on the TG Discord Server.
Click on your username and it will be listed at the top, please include any spacing as well as the numerical tag.
E.g. "DelugeIA#9999"
A relatively BRIEF bio that is displayed on the Leadership Team page. Please do not include links or formatting.
A headshot picture that will be included on the Leadership Team page.
Please provide a HIGH RESOLUTION photo that we can crop to show your head and shoulders.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 1 GB.