Our Mission Statement

Tabletop Gaymers Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mission is promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion by championing the visibility and recognition of the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, and others) community through tabletop gaming.

Our History

Tabletop Gaymers arose from a Yahoo Group called “Gaymers” where friends shared stories and information, networked, and planned get-togethers at conventions like Gen Con. In Aug 2011, the first Queer as a Three-Sided Die panel, occurred at Gen Con. Queer as a Three-Sided Die was a panel series featuring industry leaders talking about various queer aspects of the gaming industry. In May 2013, Tabletop Gaymers Inc. was formed as a nonprofit and later recognized as a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit.

Tabletop Gaymers is known for its GAYMER and ALLY Badge Ribbons, which we give away at conventions. These ribbons help gaymers self-identify, and allies show their support and raise awareness and visibility of the diversity of the attendees at an event. In 2018, we added pronoun ribbons alongside our GAYMER and ALLY ribbons, which help normalize the conversation around gender identity. Our badge ribbons are always distributed for free to attendees at the conventions and events where we have a presence. Worn ribbons help to raise awareness, enhance the social environment, promote open and honest discussions, build a community, and provide networking opportunities. We also use this material to help promote our brand, mission, and other initiatives. The GAYMER ribbon is also the cornerstone and beginning of Tabletop Gaymers’ history.

Badge Ribbons

GAYMER ribbons are intended to be worn by LGBTQIA+ individuals in the gaming community. Although we intend it to be inclusive, we acknowledge the term “gaymer” may not accurately reflect every queer person’s identity. For reasons that are both practical and financial, we are unable to offer the variety of ribbons that would be necessary to include every group.

ALLY ribbons are intended to be worn by any individual wanting to show their support. The ribbons were added to our collection in 2015, with a grant from Cards Against Humanity, in response to Indiana SB101, the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”

Our pronoun ribbons are intended to normalize the conversation around gender identity and help prevent individuals from being misgendered. They are designed to make it easy to tell what pronouns someone wants used to refer to them. Brilliant green and easily recognizable at a distance, these ribbons are based on the standards set by our friends at PronounRibbons.org.

Our Pride Flag Badge Ribbons are meant to demonstrate some of our community’s diversity. While we use the umbrella term “Gaymer” for any individual in the LGBTQIA+ gaming community, we recognize that it is a simplification. Even the pride flags themselves do not completely define a person’s sexual orientation, romantic orientation, or their gender identity. Pride Flag Badge Ribbons are available for a small donation at events we attend.


Executive Officers



Contact Us

  • If you want to get in touch with us, please complete the form below. We’re happy to share our email address with you (it might be something like “contact” [at] “tabletopgaymers.org”), but we would prefer you use this form first. Email spammers are tricky tricky these days.

  • We send email updates a few times a month which contain news, upcoming events, opportunities, and other related activities. Uncheck this box if you do not wish to be included.